Artikel Hersteller Bezeichnung Alternativer Code
9470038 Pall FL 10 RO 40/20x330(-2)
9470053 Pall FL P8 P 1000x1000x8
9470072 Pall FL 40 Z 50/40x500
9470243 Pall FL 10 Z 40/28x600
9470297 Pall FL P8 1026/228x691,09 x 600
9470539 Pall FL P8 P 298x120x8
9470991 Pall FL 40 Z 40/20x500
9471037 Pall FL BE 1000x110x30 Anschl.3/4Zoll
9471042 Pall FL BE 500x110x30 Anschl.3/4Zoll
9471137 Pall FL BE 250x110x30 Anschl.3/4Zoll
9471408 Pall FL P20 P 1000x1000x20
9471450 Pall FL P8 P 1455x500x8
9471467 Pall FL P8 P 2000 x 1000 x 8 mm
9471564 Pall FLP 5 P 1000x1000x5
9471591 Pall FL 20 K 60/50x565 G1
9471611 Pall FL P8 P 1350x900x8
9471618 Pall FL 40 P 1000x1000x6
9471638 Pall FL P10 P 1000x1000x10 o. Lochblech
9471862 Pall FL PV2E P 1000x1000x12 inkl. Lochblech 2mm
9472006 Pall FL 10 Z 40/28x1000
9472010 Pall FL BE 1500x110x30 Anschl.1Zoll
9472043 Pall FL PV2E P 1000x1000x20 o. Lochblech
9472051 Pall FL 40 P 1000x1000x3
9472177 Pall SO BL4 125/100x1000
9472209 Pall FL 80 Z 50/40x1000
9472262 Pall FL P10 P 2000x2000x10
9472296 Pall FL PV2E P 315/88x397x20
9472317 Pall FL 80 K 120/90x300 G11/2Zoll
9472513 Pall FL 40 Z 50/30x120
9472601 Pall FL 20 Z 49,6(-0,4)/40(-1)x700

  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28  >

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